My Beloved Ones,
The first thing: the soul has a connection with the body at some centers – our life energy comes
from these connections. The soul is closely related to these centers; from them our life energy flows
into the body.
The seeker who is not aware of these centers will never be able to attain to the soul. If I ask you
which is the most impor tant center, which is the most impor tant place in your body, you will probably
point to your head.
Man’s ver y wrong education has made the head the most impor tant par t of the human body. The
head or brain is not the most impor tant center of life-energy in man. It is like going to a plant and
asking it what its most impor tant and vital par t is. Because the flowers can be seen at the top of the
plant, the plant and ever ybody else will say that the flowers are the most impor tant par t. So although
the flowers seem to be the most impor tant they are not, the most impor tant par t are the roots, which
are not visible.
The brain is the flower on the plant of man, it is not the root. Roots come first; flowers come last. If
the roots are ignored the flowers will wither away because they have no separate life of their own. If
the roots are taken care of, the flowers get taken care of automatically; no special effor t is needed
to care for them. But looking at a plant it seems that the flowers are the most impor tant par t and in
the same way it seems that, in man, the brain is most impor tant. The brain is the final development
in man’s body; it is not the root.
If we ask somebody which is the most impor tant par t in a human body then unknowingly his hand
will point towards the head and he will say that the head is the most impor tant. Or, if it is a woman,
then maybe she will point towards her hear t and say that the hear t is the most impor tant.
Neither the head nor the hear t is the most impor tant. Men have emphasized their heads and
women have emphasized their hear ts. But by emphasizing these two par ts the society so for med is
continuously being r uined ever y day, because neither of these par ts are the most impor tant par t in
a human body. Both are ver y late developments. Man’s roots are not in them.
What do I mean by the roots of man? Just as the plants have roots in the ear th from which they
draw their life-energy and life juices and live, similar ly, in the human body, there are roots at some
point which draw life-energy from the soul. Because of this the body remains alive. The day those
roots become feeble, the body begins to die.
The roots of plants are in the ear th; the roots of the human body are in the soul. But neither the
head nor the hear t is the place from where man is connected to his life-energy – and if we do not
know anything about those roots then we can never enter the wor ld of a meditator.
Then where are the roots of man? Perhaps you are not aware of the place. If even simple and
common things are not given any attention for thousands of years, they are forgotten. A child is bor n
in the womb of a mother and grows there. Through which par t is the child connected to its mother?
Through the head or through the hear t? No, it is connected through the navel. The life-energy is
available to it through the navel – the hear t and the brain develop later on. The life-energy of the
mother becomes available to the child through the navel. The child is connected to his mother’s
body through his navel. From there the roots spread out into the mother’s body and also, in the
opposite direction, into his own body as well.
The most impor tant point in the human body is the navel. After that the hear t develops and after
that the brain. These are all branches which develop later. It is on them that the flowers blossom.
Flowers of knowledge blossom in the brain; flowers of love blossom in the hear t. It is these flowers
which allure us, and then we think that they are ever ything. But the roots of man’s body and his
life-energy are in the navel. No flowers blossom there. The roots are absolutely invisible, they are
not even seen. But the degeneration that has happened to human life in the past five thousand
years is because we have placed all our emphasis either on the brain or on the hear t. Even on the
hear t we have placed ver y little emphasis; most of the emphasis has gone to the brain.
From ear ly childhood, all education is an education of the brain; there is no education of the navel
anywhere in the wor ld. All education is of the brain so the brain goes on growing larger and larger
and our roots go on becoming smaller and smaller. We take care of the brain because the flowers
blossom there, so it becomes larger – and our roots go on disappear ing. Then the life-energy flows
more and more feebly and our contact with the soul becomes weak.
Slowly, slowly we have even come to a point where man is saying, ”Where is the soul? Who says
there is a soul? Who says there is a God? We do not find anything.” We will not find anything. One
cannot find anything. If somebody searches all over the body of the tree and says, ”Where are the
roots? I cannot find anything,” then what he is saying is r ight. There are no roots anywhere on the
tree. And we have no access to the place where the roots are; of that place we have no awareness.
From ear ly childhood, all training, all education is of the brain, of the mind, so our whole attention
gets entangled and ends up focused on the brain. Then for our whole life we wander around the
brain. Our awareness does not ever go below it.
The jour ney of a meditator is downwards – towards the roots. One has to descend from the brain
to the hear t, and from the hear t to the navel. Only from the navel can anybody enter into the soul;
before that, one can never enter it.
Nor mally the movement of our life is from the navel towards the brain. The movement of a seeker is
exactly opposite. He has to descend from the brain to the navel.
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