Saturday, 16 July 2011

What is basic thing MATTER or SOUL(GOD,gods etc) PART I

My Beloved Ones,
All thinking or ideology can be categorized into two classes, Materialism and Idealism. But what's mean by these two words.Here we will look upon these two philosophical  ideologies .    
 Materialism holds that the only thing that exists is matter; that all things are composed of material and all phenomena (including consciousness) are the result of material interactions. In other words, matter is the only substance. To many philosophers, not only is 'physicalism' synonymous with 'materialism', but they use both words to describe a position that supports ideas from physics which may not be matter in the traditional sense (like anti-matter or gravity).[1] Therefore much of the generally philosophical discussion below on materialism may be relevant to physicalism. Also related are the ideas of methodological naturalism (i.e. "let's at least do science as though physicalism is true") and metaphysical naturalism (i.e. "philosophy and science should operate according to the physical world, and that's all that exists"). The philosophical alternatives to materialism are some forms of monism (besides the materialistic monism), dualism and idealism.
Materialism is "a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality."
Lennon the leader and the founder of Soviet Union revolution defines dialectical materialism as     
matter is that existence which   do not depends upon consciousness for his existence, it exists independently from consciousness . he says it is the philosophical definition of materialism , what is the form of matter, it is the job of scientist to explore. He says  consciousness depends upon matter for evolves from matter.  
Question in this definition he accept that there is something which he call's consciousness. when you say that a thing 'X' is that which don't depends upon another thing 'Y'(consciousness), you accept that 'X' and 'Y' are two different things which you can not consider under one definition.He says that 'Y' evolves form 'X' ,the 'Y'' will be also 
some form of 'X'. philosophically it is contradicted.   

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